viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Weekly links, 6th grade - "London", "Matter" and "Modern Spain: the 20th century" 2

Good afternoon everyone!

We have finished another intense week, specially in the English class. Apart from ending unt 5, about London, we have done another unit of the book "Reading and Writing", specifically unit 4 about "Endangered Animals". More over, today we have realised some exercises for the Ket/Pet preparation, with very positive results.

Remember to study for the test of unit 5, that we will do next Monday, 27th.

Natural Science

In Natural Science, we have studied what a mixture is, talking about Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures, introducing, too, the concepts of solvents and solutes as he components of solutions.

We have watched these two videos:

Social Science

Finally, in Social Science, we have continued with unit 4, about the Spanish 20th century. We have focussed on the beginning of the century with the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the Second Republic. We have also introduced the sadly Spanish civil war. We have seen the next videos (obviously in Spanish):

Dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930)

La Segunda República Española

Cómo empezó la Guerra Civil Española

See you next Monday!

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